
Le présent blogue est en chantier. La présente phase vise les objectifs suivants: 1) rédiger et publier la présentation générale du journel ainsi que la présentation des répertoires et sous-répertoires; 2) développer le lexique propre à ce journel; 3) réformer certains articles publiés depuis 2011; rédiger et publier les notions et concepts métaphysiques “urgents” requis à la compréhension des articles publiés ou à publier. Il ne faudrait donc pas s'étonner que des modifications soient régulièrement apportées aux libellés du site ainsi qu'à la structure et au contenu des articles.


90- 0 General presentation

I introduce here the directory #90 of this weblog dedicated to articles in English.
This directory has specific objectives but the publications destined for it require a work of monks!

Why this directory

In general, this weblog is intended for francophones and francophiles of the planet. I do, however, assign certain articles to particular groups targeted by specific interests. These interests may be artistic, social, political or other issues.

I avoid in this directory the debates of a religious nature. If I have some points of view on these issues for the sake of clarity, it is out of the question for me to engage in debates on these matters. The predominantly English-speaking countries are full of fundamentalists and ultra religious conservatives with whom it is useless to debate. Those people are holders of the absolute truth to which all questioning is blasphemy. It is definitely a waste of time to debate these issues.

This is also true of countries other than Anglophone or Francophone but I do not write in their languages. If they read English that applies to them as well.

I also note that I am my most cruel censor. Before publishing, I contested myself abundantly and severely. Therefore, I do not tolerate any censorship.
However, as it is impossible to know everything, I can recognize certain errors of opinion due to elements that were unknown to me. On the other hand, if someone wants to challenge me, he or she needs to fine-tune his or her arguments.


I am not a cultural bilingual. I do not think in English but in French. So I have to translate myself.
To do this, I use:

-) two informatic translators: Google and Reverso;
-) an English-French dictionary: Hachette-Oxford;
-) an English dictionary: Webster's collegiate dictionary;
-) French-Canadian Guide to English grammar;
-) a proofreader of text: Word Perfect.

Despite everything, the way of expressing myself remains Francophone, hence the
"FrenchGlish" texture of my writings.
Better deal with it; Or go read Chesterton'stuffs  . . .  if cultured enough to understand it!

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Je vidange:
1) les libelles diffamatoires;
2) les attaques personnelles gratuites et/ou sans rapports avec le propos;
4) le racisme sous toutes ses formes
5) ainsi que les textes incompréhensibles parce que trop mal rédigés.
6)En passant,j'ai activé le correcteur de texte. J'apprécierais que l'on s'en serve...